Getting started with the Launchable CLI

Creating and setting your API key

First, create an API key in the Settings area (click the cog ⚙️ icon in the sidebar). This authentication token lets the CLI talk to your Launchable workspace.

Then, make your API key available as the LAUNCHABLE_TOKEN environment variable in your CI process. How you do this depends on your CI system: (If you're using a different CI system, check its documentation for a section about setting environment variables. Launchable works with any CI system.)

CI system Docs
Azure DevOps Pipelines Link
Bitbucket Pipelines Link
CircleCI Link
GitHub Actions


GitLab CI Link
GoCD Link


Note: Create a global "secret text" to use in your job

Travis CI Link

Installing the Launchable CLI in your CI pipeline

The Launchable CLI is a Python3 package that you can install from PyPI. The CLI connects your build tool/test runner to Launchable.

You can install the CLI in your CI pipeline by adding the following command to the part of your CI script where you install dependencies. (If your build and test process is split into different pipelines or machines, you must do this in both places.)

pip3 install --user --upgrade launchable~=1.0

Verifying connectivity

After setting your API key and installing the CLI, you can add launchable verify || true to your CI script to verify that everything is set up correctly. If successful, you should receive an output such as:

# We recommend including `|| true` after launchable verify so that the exit status from the command is always 0
$ launchable verify || true

Organization: <organization name>
Workspace: <workspace name>
Platform: <platform>
Python version: <version>
Java command: <command>
launchable version: <version>
Your CLI configuration is successfully verified 🎉

If you get an error, see Troubleshooting.