Separating out test suites

If you are running different test suites against the same build, separating them out to different "test suites" would improve the quality of data analysis throughout our system.

What is a test suite?

Teams regularly group their test cases into logical groups based on one or combination of:

  1. the type of test (e.g., unit tests vs. UI tests.)

  2. the tech stack used to run those tests (e.g., Maven for unit tests vs. Cypress for UI tests.)

  3. when & where they run (e.g., nightly vs every change, in the CI system vs in the staging environment.)

If they think about test suites this way, the definition should be straightforward: for example, all the Maven unit tests become one test suite, and all the Cypress UI tests become another test suite.

How do you benefit from test suites?

When you record test suites:

  • You can easily focus on test sessions & issues just from a particular test suite

How do you record test suite?

When you invoke launchable record tests command, specify the additional --test-suite option and give it a test suite name.

$ launchable record tests --test-suite "ui tests" ...

If you are using the launchable record session command explicitly as per "managing complex test session layout", then the --test-suite option should be used with that command instead of record tests.